Doon Protestant Reformed Church
408 6th Avenue, Doon, Iowa 51235

O give thanks unto the LORD; call upon his name: make known his deeds among the people.

Psalm 105:1


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Our History

In the year 1926, several members of the Doon Christian Reformed Church and other nearby Christian Reformed Churches gathered to organize the Protesting Christian Reformed Church of Doon, Iowa.  This meeting took place on March 17, 1926, with the Rev. B.J. Danhof presiding.  Rev. Danhof was the minister in the Protesting Christian Reformed Church of Hull.  At this meeting, our congregation was organized with seven families and four individuals, numbering a total of fifty-two souls.  A fledgling flock was setting out, trusting in the Great Shepherd to care for them.  At this same meeting, a consistory was chosen.  The elders elected were John Blankespoor, Sr. and Henry Kuiper, Sr.; the deacons were Issac Visser and Herman Zylstra.  In November of the same year our congregation adopted its official name, the Protestant Reformed Church of Doon.

The small congregation relied on student seminarians, guest ministers, and reading services for the first three years of its existence.  Rev. J. DeJong accepted the call to become the first pastor on October 2, 1929.  At this time our congregation purchased a church building on Doon's upper Main Street.  The building was purchased from the local Baptist congregation and was used as our place of worship.  The building was cold.  The furnace would be stoked on Saturday, banked overnight, and rekindled on Sunday just to keep the members' feet from freezing.  Some remodeling was done in 1946, and the building was used until 1975.

After Rev. DeJong left our congregation in 1932, we were served by Rev. G. Lubbers from 1934 to 1937.  These were the years of the Great Depression.  The people of the congregation "paid" part of the pastor's salary with hogs, chickens, eggs, and garden produce.  Coal was too costly, and so a number of men of the congregation cut wood from a nearby river pasture to keep the furnace going on Sunday.

Rev. J. Vander Breggen served our congregation from 1939 to 1942.  He was followed by Rev. J. Blankespoor (1943-49), and Rev. (later to be Professor) H.C. Hoeksema (1949-55).  In these years to Protestant Reformed Churches were torn by a split.  In the providence of God, our congregation was the only one in the West which had a pastor who remained in the Protestant Reformed Churches.  The Doon parsonage became a meeting place for those troubled by conditional theology.  Rev. G. VanBaren (1956-62) served our congregation during a famous Iowa snowstorm, when members were not able to get through the snowbound roads to attend church for weeks.  Rev. (later to be Professor) H. Hanko (1963-65) continued to sow the seed for beginning our own grade school.  Rev. (later to be Professor) R. Decker (1965-69) saw years of work and preaching come to fruition in the fall of 1967 when the doors of our school were opened.

In 1971, Rev. R. Moore became our pastor.  He remained until 1975.  In that year, we built a new church building.  The new church edifice was dedicated in May of 1975, and still serves as our place of worship today.  A new parsonage was built next to the present church during the time that Rev. Kamps served our congregation (1976-86).  Rev. (later to be Professor) R. Dykstra served our congregation from 1986-1995.  Rev. Richard Smit was ordained in Doon in 1996 and served our congregation until 2004.  Afterwards, Rev. D. Overway served as our pastor from 2005 to 2013.  Most recently, the Lord has lead Rev. Joshua Engelsma to serve in our congregation as his first charge.  Our congregation has been served by four pastors who would later become professors in our seminary, and has been the first charge of seven ministers.  One of the professors called Doon "an oasis in the wilderness."  Doon has also become known as "the seminary pipeline."

Our church is very involved in the Foreign Mission Committee, and we are the calling church for the Philippine Mission Field.  Along with Edgerton PRC, Heritage PRC, Hull PRC, and Calvery PRC, Doon is also a member of the Reformed Witness Committee, which is involved in the work of promoting the truth of God's Sovereignty.

A fledgling congregation has grown under the grace of God here in the midst of the seemingly endless Iowa cornfields.  We look forward in faith which binds us to Christ and to one another.